Warehouse Control System
Functionality Overview
Gain real-time control and optimise your warehouse with our Warehouse Control System (WCS). It provides dynamic load routing, maximising storage efficiency and equipment utilisation. We offers plug-in interfaces for a wide range of automation equipment, including mini-loads, shuttles, pallet cranes, carousels, AGVs, conveyors, sorters and Autostore.
Goods Receiving & Induction
Load Induction, Identification and validation
Load route sequencing to storage
Workload balancing across the automation equipment
SKU & Batch spread across available automation to minimise retrieval times
ERP/WMS Interface for confirmation of receipt and storage
Storage Management
Put away routing and validation
Selection of optimum storage location
Dynamic stock location rebalancing to improving warehouse performance
Multiple load handlers & multiple deep storage management
Order Processing
Receipt of orders from ERP or Manual order creation
Order Allocation rules
Order Preparation allows:
Construction of waves
Shows estimates for time to Pick & Despatch
Estimate time to pick, pack & consolidate from each zone
Estimate loading time, volume & weight of despatch loads
Pre-order release "housekeeping" to move stock to prime locations
Sequencing of orders for release
Allocation of orders to despatch lanes
Pick & Pack
Pick Scheduling and Performance Management
Pick Validation and Recording
Touch Screen, Mobile Operator and Pick to Light Interfaces
Performance Monitoring
Goods to Person Picking
Confirm Quantity Picked
Break Pack Indicator (where singles are required)
Perpetual Inventory Checking for remaining stock
Types of Picking
Order Picking to Conveyor Belt
Order Picking to Target Container
Batch Picking to Multiple Target Containers (with optional PTL displays)
Batch picking to sorter
Conveyor Route Optimisation
Despatch Lane Management
Load Sequencing for:
Heaviest to Lightest (pallet stacking)
Reverse drop (lorry loading)
Keep together (same SKUs together for easier store replenishment)
Despatch Labelling
Despatch Documentation Printing (and insertion)
Courier Interface
Dashboard view of current workload